Lower taxes, improved returns
Helium Investments portfolios are optimized to reduced taxes. Our approach goes even further with accounts recommended to each type of investing goals you have.
Automated Rebalancing
Your investment portfolio is designed for the long term with a diverse mix of investment classes. There are times when these assets will rise or fall out of line with your ideal asset mix. Think of it this way, you're holding 50% bonds and 50% stocks and all your stocks are doing really well and now make up 70% of your portfolio. Rebalancing brings your portfolio mix back in line with 50% / 50% by taking the gains (or losses) and rebalancing your portfolio to the ideal asset mix.
Helium Investments is the most tax efficient way to invest
Save approximately
Per Year
Per Year
Tax Saving Features
Right PortfolioTM
Auto Rebalancing
Tax Loss Harvesting
Client Services
Right PortfolioTM
Auto Rebalancing
Tax Loss Harvesting
Client Services
*Based on an account with a balance of $250,000
Tax Savings
Per Year
Per Year
Self Directed Investing
Guessed Portfolio
No Account Advice
Auto Rebalancing
Client Services
Guessed Portfolio
No Account Advice
Auto Rebalancing
Client Services
Self directed accounts offer no tax advantages
Life Changes
Investment objectives can change over time. Combined with advice with our financial advisors, you can change your portfolio online to suit these new objectives or change in circumstances.Periodically, we will ask you to update your client profile to make sure your portfolio is best suited to your risk tolerance.
Portfolio are chosen on a number of factors
Income or Networth
Employment and Retirement Status
Martial Status
And More...
Investment advice without extra charges
We use all inclusive pricing and don't nickle and dime out clients. All the trade, rebalancing and account related fees are included - without any extra charges.
Account Fees
Extra Charges
Expensive Advice
Traditional Advisor
Annual fees based on a $250,000 investment
Tax Loss Harvesting
We use the power of tax loss harvesting to reduce your tax liabilities and keep your investments in line with your optimum asset allocation. Tax loss harvesting works by selling a loosing asset during the tax year and replacing it with one of a similar class that's expected to have a good return. By harvesting or realiziing the loss, you can offset your gains in tax for the year and can continue to invest with your optimal asset allocation.
VIX | + 0.55% |
BTU | + 0.38% |
RAS | + 0.32% |
XIU | + 0.10% |
T | (0.25%) |
VIX | + 0.55% |
BTU | + 0.38% |
RAS | + 0.32% |
XIU | + 0.10% |
BCE | + 0.15% |
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