Help Investment Taxes Are my investments taxed?

Are my investments taxed?

Depends what type of account you have. We offer 3 types of accounts. Traditional IRA, Roth IRA and Unregistered account

  • Roth IRA’s are not taxed since they are funded with your after-tax dollars
  • Traditional IRA’s are only taxed when you start withdrawing which the government only allows you at age 59½ without penalties. Once you turn age 70½, you have to take the Required Minimum Distributions.
  • Unregistered accounts are taxed but it depends on your marginal rate.

For more information on the capital gains tax rates in the U.S. for 2016, please visit our answer: What are the U.S. capital gains tax rates for 2016?

For more details visit our help page on the account types we offer.

What account types are available?